Friday, September 27, 2019

The First Photography Collection

I mentioned in my intro post that I will be working on showing some of my photography off as well, and I'm please to announce my first ever photography post! I'm planning on more shoots in the future, feeling especially drawn to nature and animals. Below are some of my favorite pictures recently, including a wonderful collection of fire, adorable animals (including TrashCat's debut), and a gorgeous setting at my Father's house.

If you're curious about how TrashCat got his wonderful moniker, I will be sure to include a post in the near future with an explanation. Let me include here though, that it is a term of endearment and love for a furry weirdo who we came across by chance.

Now without further ado...

Through The Flames
Staring Into The Fire
Burn Baby, Burn
Enchanted Forest I
Enchanted Forest II
Enchanted Forest III
Enchanted Forest IV
I Will Bend, But I Will Not Break
Flight Of The Hummingbird Moth
Echo I
Echo II
TrashCat AKA Ron I
TrashCat AKA Ron II
TrashCat AKA Ron III

Sneaky Snake
As Night Approaches

10 Movies To Get You In The Halloween Spirit

As I'm sure you're aware, we are just a mere 34 days away from Halloween, my absolute FAVORITE holiday! I figured this would be a good time to put together a list of 10 movies that are sure to get you ready for this most bewitching season! 

I would like to think that I am somewhat particular when it comes to scary movies, and although I will watch anything in front of me that has to do with spookies, I'm not about to recommend something I wouldn't personally watch a second (or thirteenth!) time.

Without further ado - here is my list, and in no particular order!

Image result for sinister1.) Sinister (2012)

Sinister had several parts that had me peeking out between fingers, afraid of what was about to happen next. Although there are several jump scares in this film that are expected, it never happens quite when you think it would. That, combined with a powerhouse ending, makes for a movie you absolutely have to add to your horror movie repertoire.

Sinister is centered around a writer who moves his family into a house with a terrible, dare I say it, sinister, background. After he finds some objects in the attic belonging to the former tenants, he realizes there's no turning back, and absolutely no escape.

This movie for me was original, had a phenomenal ending and that's what sets it apart from other movies in the same genre.

Image result for the descent2.) The Descent (2005)

This is one of the few movies that when I watched it, I actually screamed out loud. I was in college at the time, and it caused not one, but two RA's to come in and make sure everything was okay. This later led to my roommate and I being banned from watching scary movies. Anyways, I digress.

The Descent follows 6 women as they go spelunking in a cave system, in an attempt to cheer up one of their friends who just lost her family in a tragic accident. It happens in the first couple of minutes of the movie, I'm not spoiling ANYTHING!!

What they find in the cave, or more so, what finds them, is something I'm not going to go into detail over. If you have no idea about the synopsis of this movie, don't even google it - just watch it. Watch it somewhere dark, where you have a security blanket, and you probably want to make sure you empty your bladder before beginning.

This movie is dark, claustrophobic and brings to light the question of: "what the hell would I do in this situation?"

Image result for as above, so below3.) As Above, So Below (2014)

As Above, So Below really brings the question into light, if I had free reign to go anywhere in the Paris Catacombs, what would I find? Probably nothing good, and that much I feel confident in saying!

This movie follows a woman's quest to finish her father's alchemical work and find the philosopher's stone of legend. She enlists her former lover, a camera man, a tour guide, and a few others to help her search the catacombs for more clues in regards to the stone. But as it horror movies usually go, nothing goes as planned.

For me, As Above, So Below really went above and beyond my expectations. Being another found footage movie, I was expecting bad lighting, shaky camera angles and a need for Dramamine afterwards, but not with this film. In fact, its originality has secured its place in my overall, absolute top 10 horror movies.

Image result for the strangers4.) The Strangers (2008)

Now granted, I was 15 when I first watched this movie, but it gave me bonafide nightmares for at least a month, and made me afraid of windows at night. I grew up out in the sticks, with the closest neighbor about a mile away, with large bay windows surrounding the downstairs, so there were many nights with closed curtains and a sense of impending doom: all from this movie.

The Strangers tells the story of a couple's vacation home getaway becoming a fight for survival when they become terrorized by 3 masked strangers. The writer/director drew his inspiration directly from the Manson Family murders and the Keddie Cabin Murders, making this literally one hell of a ride! If you're interested in a little backstory, you can check out the Wiki pages for either of those, as a precursor for what is sure to be a venture that makes you look over your shoulder when you're home alone in the dark.

5.) Hereditary (2018)
Image result for hereditary

This here is a film that has everything I look for in a horror movie: originality (that much should be obvious at this point), tension, shocks, and realistic characters. Although this movie runs at just over 2 hours, I didn't even feel the time passing as the movie began to roll.

Hereditary follows a dysfunctional family who is trying to get through a time of grief after their matriarchal figure passes away. As they begin uncovering more and more of their ancestry, they struggle to realize that there is no way to outrun fate.

There is something to be said about the actors/actresses in this film. There are moments when the family breaks out in arguments and screaming matches, and the acting is absolutely top notch, you could cut the tension in the film with a knife. Toni Collette is beyond brilliant, and the ending of this film is well worth the wait, if you even notice a wait.

Image result for paranormal activity6.) Paranormal Activity (2007)

*Embarrassing admission time*

When I went to the theater to see Paranormal Activity with my boyfriend at the time, the only thing I heard about this movie was that the budget was $11,000 and having never seen a found footage film before, I had expected it to be a real documentary-type movie. No matter how naive I was, Paranormal Activity is one of the first of its kind, at least that I ever realized, so it was a brand-new experience for me - and mildly scarring.

The story involves Katie and Micah, a couple who are living with what they assume is a paranormal presence, so they begin recording themselves daily - going about their routine, trying to figure out what is wrong with the house, and even *gulp* sleeping. I think the most harrowing parts of this film are when the camera is rolling while our unsuspecting couple sleeps through what can only be described as an absolute haunting.

This movie has another wonderful ending, and for being so original for its time, it has forever scored a place in my horror-movie heart. Paranormal Activity is bound to be more scary for people who have an over-active imagination like yours truly!

Image result for the vvitch7.) The VVitch (2015)

I have a very soft spot for witch-based films, so when I saw that The VVitch had come to Netflix, I watched it the first chance I got. I was not ready for this movie AT ALL. Now, if you're someone who thinks that horror is equal to gore and violence, this might not be the movie for you. Although there are some pretty gruesome parts in the movie, I think a vast majority of it is more about the wonderfully dark imagery, the bewitching (the crowd groans) story-line, and again - the killer ending.

The VVitch tells a story of a family in New England in 1630 who have been excommunicated from their village due to their father figure not agreeing with the church heads. So they strike out into the wilderness to build a new home and a new life, struggling through the hardships that come to anyone living in the 1600's. Oh yeah, and there may or may not be some dark magick afoot.

I usually have to watch movies several times before they really stick with my memory (I am the human equivalent of a goldfish), but this movie has stuck with me since my first viewing.

Image result for the cabin in the woods8.) The Cabin In The Woods (2011)

Out of all of the 'scary-type' movies I have on this list, this movie is more of a horror movie with comedy sprinkled throughout. The story is your pretty typical group of people (your stoner, your jock, your 'easy' girl, etc etc etc) who go up to a cabin in the woods, but that's about as much as is typical in this movie. From there, the story gets ramped up to about a 13 pretty quick, with a brilliantly evil backstory that leads to one of the most underrated endings (in my opinion) in movie histories in a LONNNNG time!

This one has more of your gore, more of your violence, and has a twist that will definitely have you coming back to watch it again, scanning for something you might have missed!

Oh yeah - and did I mention it has CHRIS HEMSWORTH in it? #Drooling

Image result for dead silence9.) Dead Silence (2007)

I hate dolls, I hate dolls, I hate dolls, I hate dolls, I hate dolls. This movie seriously creeps me the fuck out. It's to the point where I will not watch it anymore, because it isn't worth the nightmares (even to this day!). But to me, that just makes it a fantastically scary movie to add to this list!

The story follows a man who ends up with a mysterious box containing a ventriloquist dummy at his doorstep, which brings nothing but mayhem with it. In an effort to figure out more about the doll, he takes it back to the original ventriloquist's hometown, only to find that she has a history that's darker and more depraved than he could have ever imagined.

This movie comes complete with a plethora of dolls, a scary-ass old woman, tension-filled silences, and yet again, another ending that you will not be able to shake!

Image result for v/h/s10.) V/H/S (2012)

Okay, so I have to admit, I might have recently developed a small crush on found footage films. There's just something so capturing about feeling like you're in the moment, you're right behind the camera, following into the action whether you want to or not. I feel like if it is done properly, it completely adds to the experience.

NOW - V/H/S is something close, but in a league of its own. The story follows four men who break into a house to steal valuables when they come across a room filled with V/H/S tapes, and one seriously ancient tv set, complete with dead occupant. As they begin to watch the films, each one plays, significantly more horrifying than the last.

This movie isn't exactly a home-run, but what it misses in some categories, it makes up for in others. Like brilliant originality, diabolical characters, and a film style that just adds to the ambiance.

Now that you've got some new movies to experience, it's time to grab that blanket, curl up with a pet/human-person/pillow and turn down the lights! Happy Hauntings, my friends!

*All images in this post are movie posters which I am taking zero credit for - you can never be too careful!

DIY Skeleton In A Cage

The Spooky Season is upon us all!

I decided to kick off my blog with a project I just recently finished, which is this gloriously fantastic Skeleton in a cage! The whole project came out to just under $20 for the cost (minus paint costs, but we'll discuss that in a bit), and I made mine to be weather-ready! As much as I love the idea of lugging in my creation every time it rains in Wisconsin, I figured it was more realistic to create something that would last instead.

Thus far; Gregory, our wonderful volunteer, has weathered two storms, and is still doing beautifully!

Alright - let's begin!

Materials Required

From Dollar Tree: a 2 pack of spiders, 3 chunks of chain, 1 spooky cloth, and 2 laundry baskets.
Other Items: zip ties (I used about 10), a skeleton/cage-inhabitant, and spray paint

If you're curious what exactly I used, I will include links and pictures at the bottom of this post.

Example of cutting the spaces in the basket

Time to get to work!

  1. Basket Prep: I decided to take my laundry baskets and cut every other line of plastic out to increase the distance between the 'bars' for better viewing. I then cut out two holes at the bottom of the basket for Gregory's legs to stick through. 
  2. Painting the Basket: I spray painted the basket silver first, then deciding it needed to look a little less shiny, added flecks of matte black spray paint. I picked the spray paint cans up from Menards for maybe $4.25 a piece, but I've used them for multiple projects! A gal always has to have some spray paint!
  3. 8 Legged Freaks and Zip Ties: While the baskets were drying, I spray painted 8 zip ties the same metallic silver color as the basket, and two zip ties black for attaching my spiders. I had thought about hot gluing the spiders on the outside of the 'cage,' but since I wanted to keep this outside through the season, I figured zip ties would be more weather-resistant. I also spray painted the two pack of spiders from Dollar Tree black, so that the zip ties would be slightly less noticeable.
  4. Waiting to dry: WAIT AT LEAST 24 HOURS AFTER SPRAY PAINTING TO ENSURE EVERYTHING IS GOOD TO GO! They say patience is a virtue, but not for this girl - I was rearing and ready to go!
  5. Constructing time!: First I cut up some of the creepy cloth and placed it at the bottom of one of the baskets, pulling it through some of the holes to make it hang underneath. I zip-tied one of the chains to the bottom of that basket in the center, and placed Gregory in there, with his legs hanging out the bottom. Then I zip-tied my two baskets together, top to top to create the cage. I suggest zip-tying them with even spacing between all four to ensure it stays together. Again, I had thought about hot-gluing the baskets together, but decided against it for longevity. Next, I zip-tied two more chains to the top with the silver zip ties and attached my spiders with the black zip-ties. The last silver zip tie was utilized for making sure Gregory stayed where he belonged.
  6. Hang that bad ride: Hang it somewhere for the world to see!!!!

Zip Tie Placements: 4 silvers to keep the two baskets together. 3 silvers to attach the chain, 2 at the top, 1 at the bottom. 1 silver to keep your skeleton in place (optional, if you choose a different caged critter). 2 black zip ties to attach your spiders for a total of 10!

He looks really good swaying in the wind from our planter holder by the steps up to the second floor!

Products I Used with Links


Special Thanks To

This post from The Navage Patch for giving me inspiration for this project, and doing most of the hard work for me! ;)

If you make this project: please send me pictures! I'd love to see your work!

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Introduction to the eclectic collection that is: Annabellable

Hey there!

You made it!

Welcome to the first-ever blog for Annabellable: my catch-all for DIY ideas, all things Halloween, the mystic, the deep and who knows what else! This is just a brief: about the author, various ideas for the portions of the blog, etc for the first ever post.

About The Blogger

Ron AKA TrashCat - more to come on him later!
I'm Annabella McCandless - 26, Wisconsinite born and raised, Virgo star sign (for those interested). I currently work in an industry that probably allows me more down time than I deserve. I have an amazing boyfriend of 3 years who is a constant support for me - and my house is filled with animals. We have a cat, a snake, and three lizards. I guess you can say I'm an animal-type person.

I enjoy working on various projects, and my hobbies include photography, making music, playing video games, crafting things (mostly for Halloween), stalking my cat, and reading. I'm basically your average run-of-the-mill homebody, so this will be my chance to do something wonderfully constructive with that time.

Other Questions you might have:

Favorite books: Brave New World, Aldous Huxley / The Scarlet Gospels, Clive Barker / The Demon Cycle Series, Peter V Brett

Are you a listener or a talker?: I'm a solid combination of both

You have to wear a t-shirt with one word on it for one year. Which word do you choose?: Aliens

If you moved to Sesame Street, who would you want as a your neighbor? Why?: Oscar the Grouch! That dude is sorely misunderstood.

Favorite bands: The Front Bottoms / Prof / Nine Inch Nails / Atmosphere / Death Cab for Cutie

Where is the last place you'd be caught dead?: A Nickelback concert - Creed is a close second

Yell out the first word that comes to your mind right now: COFFEE

If you have more questions, or are curious about something else, just shoot me a message or leave a comment - I'm basically an open book!

Topics For The Blog

I have a lot of ideas for stuff, and as more posts are made, I will be linking them through Pinterest as well, because the main part of this whole thing is to SHARE what has been put together! Topic ideas include (but are not limited to):
One of my photography finds!
  1. DIY Halloween things: crafts, decor, food (?), and whatever else falls in-between. You'll soon learn I have an unyielding love for Halloween and all things spooky. It's to the point I have skeletons all over my house! My biggest pride is my full-sized, fully pose-able skeleton named Jeffrey. He's a badass.
  2. Recipes: I'm addicted to my Instapot, and I think anyone who is working a full time job or has very little down time should get comfortable with that bad ride. I would say that meal prepping is something that has saved my sanity, and I'm excited to start sharing those recipes with you!
  3. Photography: There will be posts here and there where I share some of the cool things I've found while playing around with my camera. For those interested, it's a Nikon D3500 and I'm still learning, but I LOVE it!
  4. Wicca/Witchcraft Things: Don't let this scare you! I think that a lot of people are still under the preconceived notion that Wiccans/Pagans/Witches are all satan-worshipping cultists who practice the dark arts. We're more like a collective of tree-hugging, earth-loving hippies, but we'll talk more about that in the future. I digress. This section will feature my studies in herbal medicine, Astrology, and much more!
  5. Music: As I work on some things musical, I might share them here, I'm still a little on the fence.
  6. Other DIY: Obviously not as amazing as Halloween, but I dabble in other things.
  7. Gardening: Probably not going to have a lot on this yet this year since we're nearing October and in Wisconsin that means Winter Is Coming, but next year I will be sharing my tips and tricks for urban/container gardening!
  8. Lists: Everyone needs a good list; Top 10 scary movies, books to change your mind, places to go in (insert city name), etc.
  9. Millennial Money Saving Tips: it's no lie that Millennials are broke AF, so anything I come across that might be worth sharing, I will! I'm working on increasing my credit, finding a profitable side hustle, etc - so I'll be happy to share that as I go along.
That's about it for me! Like I said before, if you have any questions, have any topics you want me to hit on, please let me know!

I look forward to growing with you!
All the best,

The First Photography Collection

I mentioned in my intro post that I will be working on showing some of my photography off as well, and I'm please to announce my first e...