Thursday, September 26, 2019

Introduction to the eclectic collection that is: Annabellable

Hey there!

You made it!

Welcome to the first-ever blog for Annabellable: my catch-all for DIY ideas, all things Halloween, the mystic, the deep and who knows what else! This is just a brief: about the author, various ideas for the portions of the blog, etc for the first ever post.

About The Blogger

Ron AKA TrashCat - more to come on him later!
I'm Annabella McCandless - 26, Wisconsinite born and raised, Virgo star sign (for those interested). I currently work in an industry that probably allows me more down time than I deserve. I have an amazing boyfriend of 3 years who is a constant support for me - and my house is filled with animals. We have a cat, a snake, and three lizards. I guess you can say I'm an animal-type person.

I enjoy working on various projects, and my hobbies include photography, making music, playing video games, crafting things (mostly for Halloween), stalking my cat, and reading. I'm basically your average run-of-the-mill homebody, so this will be my chance to do something wonderfully constructive with that time.

Other Questions you might have:

Favorite books: Brave New World, Aldous Huxley / The Scarlet Gospels, Clive Barker / The Demon Cycle Series, Peter V Brett

Are you a listener or a talker?: I'm a solid combination of both

You have to wear a t-shirt with one word on it for one year. Which word do you choose?: Aliens

If you moved to Sesame Street, who would you want as a your neighbor? Why?: Oscar the Grouch! That dude is sorely misunderstood.

Favorite bands: The Front Bottoms / Prof / Nine Inch Nails / Atmosphere / Death Cab for Cutie

Where is the last place you'd be caught dead?: A Nickelback concert - Creed is a close second

Yell out the first word that comes to your mind right now: COFFEE

If you have more questions, or are curious about something else, just shoot me a message or leave a comment - I'm basically an open book!

Topics For The Blog

I have a lot of ideas for stuff, and as more posts are made, I will be linking them through Pinterest as well, because the main part of this whole thing is to SHARE what has been put together! Topic ideas include (but are not limited to):
One of my photography finds!
  1. DIY Halloween things: crafts, decor, food (?), and whatever else falls in-between. You'll soon learn I have an unyielding love for Halloween and all things spooky. It's to the point I have skeletons all over my house! My biggest pride is my full-sized, fully pose-able skeleton named Jeffrey. He's a badass.
  2. Recipes: I'm addicted to my Instapot, and I think anyone who is working a full time job or has very little down time should get comfortable with that bad ride. I would say that meal prepping is something that has saved my sanity, and I'm excited to start sharing those recipes with you!
  3. Photography: There will be posts here and there where I share some of the cool things I've found while playing around with my camera. For those interested, it's a Nikon D3500 and I'm still learning, but I LOVE it!
  4. Wicca/Witchcraft Things: Don't let this scare you! I think that a lot of people are still under the preconceived notion that Wiccans/Pagans/Witches are all satan-worshipping cultists who practice the dark arts. We're more like a collective of tree-hugging, earth-loving hippies, but we'll talk more about that in the future. I digress. This section will feature my studies in herbal medicine, Astrology, and much more!
  5. Music: As I work on some things musical, I might share them here, I'm still a little on the fence.
  6. Other DIY: Obviously not as amazing as Halloween, but I dabble in other things.
  7. Gardening: Probably not going to have a lot on this yet this year since we're nearing October and in Wisconsin that means Winter Is Coming, but next year I will be sharing my tips and tricks for urban/container gardening!
  8. Lists: Everyone needs a good list; Top 10 scary movies, books to change your mind, places to go in (insert city name), etc.
  9. Millennial Money Saving Tips: it's no lie that Millennials are broke AF, so anything I come across that might be worth sharing, I will! I'm working on increasing my credit, finding a profitable side hustle, etc - so I'll be happy to share that as I go along.
That's about it for me! Like I said before, if you have any questions, have any topics you want me to hit on, please let me know!

I look forward to growing with you!
All the best,

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